Sunday, July 26, 2009

Waving the Red Flag

I've realized the unexpected is to be expected on this journey of mine to be published. Those of you who have been following regularly, know that I was asked to submit the first three chapters of my completed manuscript to an agent.

I re-read my chapters before submitting, making sure they were in tip top shape. I hit the send button, covered my shocked face with my hand. There was no turning back. I starred our correspondence in my inbox, hoping the next e-mail would be good news. This particular agent has loads of information on her blog/website about what she's looking for, and I felt confident that I was at least hitting in the ballpark.

But I was prepared for anything.

I was prepared to hear that the writing wasn't quite there. I was prepared to hear that this just wasn't quite right for her list at this time. I was prepared even for silence.

I was not prepared for her to say that my submission was good. Big smile. falters...she found herself more interested in the contemporary situation of my main character and not so much in the paranormal aspect that was introduced. With my brow furrowed and a general look of confusion I read the message several times before it hit me. She liked the backstory.

For a quick summary, backstory is the necessary evil writers must present to the reader so you know where this character is coming from. This must be done so cunningly that the reader never gets bogged down and lose interest in the unfolding story. This is especially important for young adult authors, whose audience is younger, and therefore less tolerant with past details.

So with one sentence here, one sentence there, and no more than three sentences together here, this is the story that is more interesting. Bang....that was my head hitting the table as I slump over.

But I am unfailingly optimistic. I realize this is a good no. She liked the writing, and even mentioned that other agents may feel very differently than she does. And I know that's true. Stories evoke feelings in a person, and I have never known two people to feel exactly the same about anything before, so why would this be any different. I still have a full and a partial submission to agents that I am hopeful about.

But, Kristin Nelson, you have waved the red flag in front of me...and I am a Taurus...Ole!

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