Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Remember to Believe

Believing in yourself is a hard thing to do sometimes. There are so many things during the day pressing in and vying for attention that its easy to forget why we've started something in the first place. Or if we do remember, it may only be to think, "I must have been crazy that day." Luckily there are shining moments that remind us of why we have chosen to put ourselves out there.

I must admit in the past few weeks I've become a bit hardened to the responses from my "Query Letter". Its surprising how each form rejection letter is different from one another. I'm quite impressed with the many different ways one can say "Thanks, but no thanks." I suppose it must be similar to how agents feel reading "The Query Letter"; they are all different, but essentially say the same thing, "Oh, Oh, Oh, Pick me, Pick me, Pick me!"

Ah ha, but today was a shining moment. My "Query Letter" did not fail me. I received a request for a partial submission from one of the most respected agents in the YA publishing market. Needless to say, my "Query Letter" deserves a nice pat on the back, and if she comes back and wants to see the full manuscript, I just may kiss it.

1 comment:

  1. Yippee!! What great news. I am so happy to hear that one made it through. Kinda like a little swimmer....I'm talking about salmon, silly.
    Here's a great blog that really relates to you. It's written by a mom somewhere in Seattle who had (and perhaps still does - didn't get that far)aspirations very much like yours. I saw it while scouting out art studios.
    Check it out and enjoy a laugh or 2.
    she is being nominated for best blog in Seattle.
